candidate section
Are you a job seeker?
Whether you are actively looking for a new job
or just considering a career change,
let us know.
Regardless of your field, we are always looking
to add new skilled professionals to our talent pool.
Please tell us about what you are looking for
by filling in the form below, then enclose your updated CV.
Our agents will be in touch you if
a suitable role comes along.
You can request to be removed from our jobseeker candidate database
at any time by e-mailing us at

Your CV should:
- Include all relevant information
about your previous employment, academic history and skills, but avoid lengthy sentences. - When you have finished putting together your CV, alwaysmake sure to give it a second look
to ensure it does not include any redundant text. - Remember, less is more.
When describing your work experience, listing your daily job duties is not enough.
Instead, highlight specific value
that set you apart from the rest of your team.
It is often specific examples of your achievements that help recruiters understand why your experience and qualities are the best match for the role you apply for.
- The layout of your CV should be organized
and its content logically divided into sections
such as academic background, professional history, top skills, and contact details. - You can also include a personal statement at the top of your CV.
- A personal statement is a brief summary of your core skills and career objectives.
- Remember to always tailor this statement to every job you apply for.
- You can be creative and tailor the overall design of your CV to match your personality.
- But remember your CV should always come across as neat and professional looking.
- Stay away from any quirky fonts, cliches and vague wording.
Perfect your CV

A well written CV is the first and most important step
on the path to land the job you want.
Prepare for your job interview
Once you have been invited to an interview, take enough time
to prepare for it and increase your chance of getting hired.

- Thoroughly research the company you are applying to.
- Make sure you know as much as possible about the specific role and the company itself – research their products and services, and make yourself familiar with their past achievements, core values and company culture.
- You can never know too much about your potential employer.
- When describing your work experience, listing your daily job duties is not enough.
- Instead, highlight specific value that set you apart from the rest of your team.
- It is often specific examples of your achievements that help recruiters understand why your experience and qualities are the best match for the role you apply for.
- There is no need to dread any of the commonly asked interview questions. Prepare yourself and think through how you would answer them.
- When asked, give specific and honest answers, but make sure they don’t come across as rehearsed.
- Questions asked by interviewers frequently include the following:
- what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
- why are you interested in this role?
- what do you know about the company?
- Being on time is common decency and a way of showing respect.
- To avoid being late for your job interview, look up the interview location and best ways to get there beforehand.
- If something unpredictable happens and you know you are going to be late, call your interviewer and let them know as soon as possible.
we deliver talent.